The events of the comedy film "Kelinzhan" unfold in one small village where a large family lives. Kulimkhan apa's mother-in-law is most concerned about the difficult relationship of the three daughters-in-law, who constantly quarrel with each other. However, a much more serious problem has recently appeared – young businessmen from Shymkent want to buy a large plot of land here, which, it turns out, belongs to the late husband of Kulimkhan apa. The woman is not against it at all, but for the transaction the land must be re-registered for one of the sons. Each of the three brothers is ready to register the land for themselves, but none of them admits that they want to do this in order to take all the money for themselves. So a quarrel ensues, and Kulimkhan apa forbids his sons to even think about the earth. The daughters-in-law don't like it, they decide to sell the land secretly from everyone and divide the money among themselves.