The historical series "Abai Zholy" is dedicated to the creation of the classical novel written by Mukhtar Auezov about Abai Qunanbaiuly. The series is based on dramatic, tragic moments from the life of Abai at the end of the 19th century, 30s of the 20th century, when the young Mukhtar Auezov, along with other state and public figures, was persecuted. For decades, he spoke to over a thousand people and collected a lot of information about Abai. The work "Abai's Way" received the Lenin Prize. The picture reveals the personalities of both artists: through the writing process of Mukhtar Auezov, the ambiguous life of Abai is shown. The series does not consist of ordinary episodes and series, but of chapters, as in a literary work. This is the artistic feature of the series. The plot develops in parallel with the events taking place in three stages: the moment of writing the novel, that is, the present; the period of collection of information about Abai, that is, the past and time of Abai, that is, a series of "flashbacks" taken from a book or through the memories of informants.